
Gonzalo Naveira - Technical Leader

Gonzalo Naveira picture

15 years of experience in developing end-to-end solutions. Passionate about technology, and solving business problems.

I have been leading, supporting and mentoring engineering teams. I help them improve engineering practices and grow professionally.

Experienced in:

  • Roadmap planning based on product and business strategy
  • Ensure the alignment between the architecture and long-term roadmap
  • Create actionable outcomes from business requirements such as the definition of tasks and priorities
  • People leadership, one-on-one regular catchup, fostering a team culture, help on training and career development

People's leadership skills:

  • I have mentored developers to produce readable and easy to maintain code
  • Have had regular one-on-one catch up with team members to help build a strong relationship, make sure they are looked after, give and receive feedback
  • I have helped team members get unblocked making decisions based on the business requirements
  • Helped plan the vision of the business and translate this to actionable tasks for the team members, considering discovery sessions and training
  • Lead sprint planning sessions making sure to prioritize the right tasks
  • Encourage team members to follow best practices by explaining and showing the benefits of it
  • Upon scope creep, I negotiated the tasks required to avoid burning out the team
  • Recognized/celebrated team members achievements with the whole team
  • Helped team members with their training (arranging sessions internally, getting paid courses or allocating time) and career goals alignment
  • Fostering a team culture

Technology stack

I have experience using the following technologies (and some more...)

  • Java (SpringBoot, Spring MVC, Spring AOP)
  • NodeJs (Express, NestJs, Serverless)
  • Javascript / Typescript
  • React (Webpack, NextJs, Redux)
  • Lambda, Queues, AWS EC2, ECS (Fargate), IAM, S3, CloudWatch, Route53, API Gateway, CloudFront, CloudFormation, SAM, RDS, DynamoDB, Kinesis, ALB -- AWS (AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate)
  • Micro-services
  • Even driven architecture
  • REST Web Services
  • Docker


Feel free to reach out for IT consultancy services or to say hi.