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Cover Image for Mastering the Art of Giving Feedback

Learn how to provide effective feedback to foster growth, improve performance, and build stronger teams.

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Cover Image for Enhancing Engineering Practices: Centralized ESLint Configuration

Enhancing Engineering Practices: Centralized ESLint Configuration

Discover how centralized ESLint configurations streamline development workflows, ensuring consistency, reducing risk, and accelerating software delivery.

Cover Image for Interview insights and recommendations for software engineers

Interview insights and recommendations for software engineers

Discover insights from my journey of doing interviews, where hiring challenges meet candidate victories. Learn how to showcase your skills, tackle tech assessments, and excel in behavioral interviews. Lets bridge the gap software engineers and interview success.

Cover Image for Overview of the Micro-Frontend Architecture

Overview of the Micro-Frontend Architecture

Discover the micro-frontend architecture. In this post I'll talk about what are micro-frontends, and the motivation behind them.

Cover Image for How to configure AWS Credentials for GitHub Actions (the recommended way)

How to configure AWS Credentials for GitHub Actions (the recommended way)

Configure GitHub Actions to use temporary credentials to improve your continuous deployment practices.

Cover Image for How to store your .env files in AWS Secrets Manager

How to store your .env files in AWS Secrets Manager

A practical and secure way to store your .env files in AWS Secrets Manager. Improve your local development and CI/CD pipelines.

Cover Image for How to process a Amazon Kinesis stream using AWS Lambda and store them in DynamoDB

How to process a Amazon Kinesis stream using AWS Lambda and store them in DynamoDB

A easy how to guide to get you started with processing of real time event using Lambda and storing it in DynamoDB

Cover Image for How to load images from AWS S3 in NextJs (Static website export)

How to load images from AWS S3 in NextJs (Static website export)

If you want to build a static website with Next.js you might find that the image loaders add a lot of complexity that you might not want. In this post I'll explain how to just use an old style static loader for your images.

Cover Image for How to secure your EC2 instances replacing SSH

How to secure your EC2 instances replacing SSH

Learn why you should be replacing SSH in your AWS EC2 instances and should start using SSM. Reduce the attack surface and have a safe cloud.

Cover Image for Single sign-on: How to manage your AWS account using G-Suite (SSO)

Single sign-on: How to manage your AWS account using G-Suite (SSO)

Learm how to implement G-Suite (SSO) single sign-on to manage your AWS account.

Cover Image for Hello World! This blog is generated statically with Next.js

Hello World! This blog is generated statically with Next.js

If you want to build a blog with Next.js that supports two or more authors. This Next.js blog will show the author and show their name and picture with their posts.